Visit with us and let God meet you where you are.


We Gather Every Sunday

Cafe is open before service.

Bible Study at 9am in Room 3.

Cornerstone Kids on the Rock, after Worship.

Service starts at 8:15 & 10:15am.

Upcoming Events

At Cornerstone

Please join us for our upcoming events. Visit our online calendar for a full list of our schedule or contact the Church office with questions.

26 March
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Bible Study

30 March
8:15 am - 9:30 am

Church Service

30 March
10:15 am - 11:30 am

Church Service

30 March
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm


No event found!

Plan Your Visit

We are excited that you have found us!  As you look over our site, you will find information about our church family, programs and ministries at Cornerstone. Our hope is that you will feel welcome, experience the presence of God, and witness a healthy community of believers. Our dress is casual. Feel free to come as you are and visit with us. View our calendar for upcoming events. We hope to see you soon.

The purposes of Cornerstone Christian Fellowship are to encourage believers to develop a close, personal love relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, (Matt. 22:37 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind), to actively demonstrate and practice the love of Jesus with our fellow believers (John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you to love one another even as I have loved you), and to extend that Godly love to the members of our community who do not yet know Jesus.

At Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, our KIDS (infant to 5th grade) experience fun, safe, age-appropriate environments, where they learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way with kids their own age. Our YOUTH (students from 6th to 11th grade) ministry strives to equip middle and high school students to become passionate young followers of Jesus.

If you are planning on being our guest, we would love to help you.  Stop by our Welcome Desk and pick up your “Hi, I’m new, Start here” brochure.

We welcome people with special needs and do our best to accommodate them. We want every person to feel welcome and part of our family.

If you are planning on being our GUEST, we would love to help you.  Stop by our Welcome Desk and pick up your “Hi, I’m new, Start here” brochure.

Where do I park?
We have several open spots in the front of the lot so that you will have an easy walk.   
We have children, where do I go?
Pick up a map at the Guest welcome center.  When you enter the foyer after picking up your brochure and map, register your child at the Cornerstone Kids on The Rock counter.  Someone will help you and your kids find the way to our upstairs Kids on The Rock Zone.  When you return, feel free to park in our upstairs parking lot and come directly into our Kids Zone.  
Is there a way to connect to the church without joining a small group?
Cornerstone is committed to having next steps for connecting.  The best place to meet and start connecting with community is our Men’s and Women’s ministries which meet once a month.  You can also check out our coming Family Hour small groups for families.  Next Steps:  1. Membership Class  2. Freedom Class  3. Discipleship Class.  
How should I dress?
We dress casually and the atmosphere at Cornerstone is informal.  Our main desire is that you are comfortable.  However, you will find that each person dresses to their own liking, whether formal or informal.
Cornerstone Cafe:
After registering your children, come to our Cafe and enjoy a coffee or snack as you prepare to worship God with us.  
If I want to give, how do I do that?
There are many ways to give.  During our greeting time, we worship by giving as we fellowship with each other. You can also give online under the Give tab or give by text. Our giving is indicated on our bulletin sheet each week so you can view what our ministry gives to outreach within our community with the message of Jesus Christ.
Please fill out a Connect card at the Welcome Desk or click the above links to get connected.  We would love to know that you have been our guest.  We have a gift for you!  We would love your feedback and the opportunity to pray for you.  (We do not give away any information that is entrusted to us.)

Take the next step

Everyone has a next step. What's yours?

Grow Together

Small Groups


Show Commitment


Volunteer in Ministry